
Impact Report 2023

2023 Impact Report Cover

Read our latest report to see the social and environmental impacts achieved by our portfolio companies in 2023. Highlights include over 24,923GWh of renewable energy generated, over 1.15m tonnes of material collected and recycled, and the provision of over 51,000 childcare places for children in Australia.


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Our three pillars of impact investing:

1. How do we define intentional positive impact?

We have developed a rigorous methodology for determining which companies can be defined as impact investments.

NS Our Investment Process 1

Our impact areas

These are the ten impact focus areas in which we look to invest your capital:

972 new affordable homes built by 4 portfolio companies, who provide 23,550 people with affordable housing. 

785,000 people were provided with financial literacy tools. 

34 active clinical pharmaceutical trials, with 99 products registered with or submitted to regulators. 

24,943GWH generated of renewable energy, avoiding 20.7 million tonnes CO2e.

Over 44,000 people recieved cochlear implants to help them hear better. 

Recycled 1.15 million tonnes of resources – paper, plastic, steel, waste, water, and e-waste.

84,600 students placed in higher education courses globally, with 5.5 million users of educational software. 

Built 14 new Early Learning Centres, with portfolio companies providing over 51,000 childcare places in Australia.  

15,367 patients teated for burns and glaucoma with products created by portolio companies. 

Provided 142.7million test and treatments across hospitals, medical centres, clinics, pathology laboratories, diagnostic imaging and radiology centres.

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